Transcript 3 - (388)827-8830
[Ringing tone.]
Hey, Jude, what’s—
Marcia, have you seen it? The announcement?
That we’ve acquired Pompeii Power? Yes, I—
No, that he’s acquired Pompeii Power. We had nothing to do with it. No one had anything to do with it. Campbell just went off on his own and made the most significant business decision in a decade without telling anyone else!
I’m sure Eugene was just doing what he thought was best.
And he doesn’t tell us a single thing about it? The rest of the Board of Directors? We find out with the rest of everyone else.
Yeah, that isn’t… great.
You realize Sabrina found out they’d located a Corestone two days ago, Marsh. Do you know how quickly he rushed into this? We were supposed to meet as a board to discuss it later today! Now instead, we’re going to have to discuss what to do with all these new assets. You know how much of a headache that’s going to be?
Tell me about it. I’m already trying to figure out how to onboard all these new people.
This isn’t the first time either. Remember when he fired Kimberly? Didn’t even involve you.
That was years ago, Jude.
Yeah, and he hasn’t changed at all! You know how often he just takes a Corestone out of Production to go use it in R&D without talking to me? He’ll just drop our output by 20% on a whim.
I know. We do need to talk about it, I agree.
We need to do more than talk about it, Marsh. He’s acting like he’s the CEO, except even a CEO is accountable to the Board. He acts like he’s the sole owner of the company. There needs to be a consequence.
He’s our friend, Jude. He’s been our friend for years.
I don’t know. I feel like he stopped treating us as friends a long time ago.